Thursday, November 13, 2014

I am PALEO!!

The Paleo diet has completely changed the way I am now seeing in food and the habit of eating them. This is now part of my life and my family love it.
This is the story of all cavemen 2 million years ago and some people now. This is real.
So, what is Paleo diet?
The Paleo diet is also well-known as the Caveman Diet or the Palaeolithic lifestyle. Its founder, Dr Loran Cordain is a scientist and researcher from the University of  Colorado. He introduced the concept of the Paleo Diet in the 90’s. Dr Cordain found that eating like a caveman from 2 million years ago (Stone Age), is the best way to keep our body healthy and out of chemicals from processed food, and sugar and fat saturated.
The Paleo diet is based upon everyday group of food from our pre-agricultural, hunter-gatherer ancestors. It means that all the food before the era of the agriculture and industry are allowed in the Paleo diet with some exceptions. There are 7 main principles of this diets that will help to optimize your health, minimize your risk of chronic disease, and lose weight. But today, I will mention only 3 of them.
"Higher protein intake –Meat, seafood, and other animal products represent the staple foods of modern day Paleo diets.
Lower carbohydrate intake and lower glycemic index – Non-starchy fresh fruits and vegetables represent the main carbohydrate source and will provide for 35-45 % of your daily calories. Almost all of these foods have low glycemic indices that are slowly digested and absorbed, and won’t spike blood sugar levels.
Higher fibre intake – Dietary fibre is essential for good health, and despite what we’re told, whole grains aren't the place to find it. Non-starchy vegetables contain eight times more fibre than whole grains and 31 times more than refined grains. Even fruits contain twice as much fibre as whole grains and seven times more than refined grains". (Source: 
This means that no other foods are allowed within the Food Pyramid in Paleo. Not dairies, legumes, grains, and processed food as they are catalogued as “anti nutritious”. It is determined that these products are not helping the body to functioning as it should which means that diseases like diabetes, some cancers and cardiovascular problems can be occurred because the consumption of these foods.
The reason the Paleo diet has been succeeded lately is because it follows what our body really needs by eating real food with nutrients like Omega 3, Vitamin B2, and C and also D. These elements are essential in our lives.
After my pregnancy, I found very difficult to lose weight. However, after 6 months of having my baby girl, I tried the Michelle Bridges’ diet while I was breastfeeding and it worked very well. But, once I finished to breastfeed it was very challenging to continue losing weight. After, several months trying to find the right recipe, and almost got crazy about my weight, and also I was having digestive issues as I got a bug in my stomach, I realised that I need a change of my life. One night, I was checking my Facebook page, and I read a post from a friend of mine, who was saying that she is under the Paleo diet and felt fabulous. To make the story short, I spoke with her and asked her about this diet. She explained that because she is having some healthy problems with something called “Hashimoto” and also having difficulties to lose weight, she was introduced to the Paleo Diet while she was studying. After that conversation with my friend and little bit of research, my husband and I decided to give it a go and try this new style.
In the meantime, I am a part of a wonderful personal coach fitness club close to work, EFM Wakefield Club with Jesse Ey as a manager, who has helped me to build the confidence I need to lose weight, built muscle, and be more realistic about my strengths.. 
From May this year, I stop eating wheat, legumes, grains, any kind of sugar (but not coconut sugar), corn, dairy products, processed food, soft drinks or anything that contains more than 5 ingredients on the label. My hubby and I decided that it is time for a change, be healthy and think about the future that we want to offer to our daughter as a healthy girl and woman one day.
It is very easy to find practical food (junk food) everywhere, or cook rice and pasta in two minutes, but for my family is all about quality. Sometime, if you eat or your kids eat  a full bowl of rice noodles or pasta, you think, "well, I am full, or my kids are fine eating that bowl", but this is not what I want for my children or myself.
If my daughter is eating a small piece of proteins, broccoli or any other veggie, I am happy. 
Cooking Paleo food could be sometimes tricky and more work, but it really worth it. 

his is me & my little one enjoying a wonderful green juice @ The Golden Fleece in Willunga.

